Monday, February 15, 2010

Games in Education-The Movie

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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Module 5-Concept Map

As I reflect upon my teaching I have to say that I am mainly on the static side of how I integrate technology into my classroom with an occasional activity going dynamic. I think it has a lot to do with the safety and permissions that go along with having 2nd graders use dynamic collaborations in the classroom that keep me from using it as a classroom tool.

On a personal level I feel that I am in the middle of the continuum. Simply being enrolled in this course of study has made me step outside my comfort zone of those tools on the static level and force me to use those on the dynamic level. I have definitely felt challenged, frustrated, and overwhelmed at times however when the "ah-ha" moment hits when I see the connection or decide how to use it for my students I feel confident that I can.

I am hoping that as I continue on with my Ed.S program that I will continue to have those feelings. I would hope that my "ah-ha"moments increase and my passion for the new tools I learn I can pass along in my classroom and to colleagues.

After reviewing the concept maps posted these stood out to me. The overall design and different views of the tools to categorize gave me additional reasons to think about the placements they decided and rethink others that I had placed.

Kianna's blog-

KCDavis' Blog-

Monday, February 1, 2010

Final Video

This new storyboard has a few audio notations added. I have changed the format from my earlier board and think I am on the right track..Hopefully.